Branching Narrative Structure

Assignment Information

Name of Assignment:  Branching Narrative Structure

Class: Adv, Topics Interactive Design

Due Date: 2/22/2021

Date Posted: 2/22/2021

Program: Adobe Illustrator

Assignment Description: Using our story idea from the previous project, we were to create a world state for our story using a branching structure designed to withhold different variables.

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Story Idea Generation Exercise

Assignment Information

Name of Assignment:  Story Idea Generation Exercise

Class: Adv, Topics Interactive Design

Due Date: 2/8/2021

Date Posted: 2/8/2021

PDF of Outline:

Assignment Description: We were given a story idea outline that we had to fill out based on our twine game idea. The goal of the assignment was to help us flesh out our idea in terms of narrative structure and world/character design.

Continue reading “Story Idea Generation Exercise”
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