Major Project 4: Personal Modular Construct

Project Information

Name of Project: Major Project 4: Personal Modular Construct

Class: 3D Design/Color

Due Date: 4/25/2018

Date Posted: 4/25/2018

Mediums: Mechanical Pencil, Plywood

Tools: LaserCutter, Xacto Knife, Sandpaper, Wood Glue, Gesso

Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Project Description: For our final project of the semester, we had to design a completely closed shape and then bring it into reality using plywood and other materials that were given to us. We were allowed to make multiple of one specific shape and were allowed to change the size of the shape, but nothing else. We then had to document our designed modular construct using specific guidelines.

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Major Project 3: Group Modular Construct – Light Documentation

Project Information

Name of Project: Major Project 3: Group Modular Construct – Light Documentation

Class: 3D Design/Color

Due Date: 4/18/2018

Date Posted: 4/18/2018

Group: Myself, Erin Mendez, Damani Miguel, Michael Collado, Mercedyz Wood, Holden Mack

Word: Motion

Software (for editting): Adobe Photoshop

Materials/Tools (for Sculpture): Paper, LaserCutter, Hot Glue, Fishing Wire, Sewing Needles, Tacks, Command Strips, Tape

Materials (For Light Documentation): RGB Bulbs

Total Cubes: 1,273 (based on the Illustrator template)

Group Modular Construct Post: Group Modular Construct Link

Project Description: We were given an additional assignment on top of our Group Modular Project to use different colored lights to change the atmosphere of the sculpture. We had to choose 5 diverse pictures of the sculpture that showed different lighting, distances, and colors overall.

Continue reading “Major Project 3: Group Modular Construct – Light Documentation”

Major Project 3: Group Modular Construct

Project Information

Name of Project: Major Project 3: Group Modular Construct

Class: 3D Design/Color

Due Date: 4/9/2018

Date Posted: 4/9/2018

Group: Myself, Erin Mendez, Damani Miguel, Michael Collado, Mercedyz Wood, Holden Mack

Word: Motion

Software (for Template): Adobe Illustrator

Mediums (for Mind Map): Pen

Materials/Tools (for Sculpture): Paper, LaserCutter, Hot Glue, Fishing Wire, Sewing Needles, Tacks, Command Strips, Tape

Total Cubes: 1,273 (based on the Illustrator template)

Total time of project: a. Assembly of Cubes: 47 Hours b. Assembly of Sculpture ~15-20 hours

Light Documentation Post Link: Group Modular Construct – Light Documentation

*All progress/final shots besides the Mind Map picture and the Upwards View picture were taken by me, which is why I am in none of the pictures. I have also shared these photos with my group to use at their own discretion.*

Project Description: We were tasked with developing a sculptural idea on how to demonstrate the word Motion, using paper and a template for cubes provided plus limited additional materials such as fishing wire.

Continue reading “Major Project 3: Group Modular Construct”

Major Project 2: Travel Poster

Project Information

Name of Project: Major Project 2: Travel Poster

Class: 3D Design/Color

Due Date: 3/26/2018

Date Posted: 3/26/2018

Dimensions: 11in x 17in

Mediums (for Mind Map): Mechanical Pencil, Micron Pen

Software: Adobe Illustrator

City: Amsterdam

Project Description: We had to base a Travel Poster off of one non-American city of our choosing. We had to research imagery on the chosen city and develop a limited color palette that resembles the city for our poster. We also had to include a significant landmark of that city and different elements that coincide with the city.

Continue reading “Major Project 2: Travel Poster”

Mini Project 2: 10 Contour Object Harmonies

Project Information

Name of Project: Mini Project 2: 10 Contour Object Harmonies

Class: 3D Design/Color

Due Date: 3/5/2018

Date Posted: 3/4/2018

Dimensions: 5 in x 8 in in

Software: Adobe Illustrator

Project Description: Following the style of Michael-Craig Martin, we had to create a composition with a minimum of five elements; two initials of our name and at least three mundane objects. Then, we had to demonstrate each of the ten color harmonies.

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Major Project 1: Self-Portrait with Color Compositions

Project Information

Name of Project: Major Project 1: Self-Portrait with Color Compositions

Class: 3D Design/Color

Due Date: 2/19/2018

Date Posted: 2/19/2018

Dimensions: 8.5 in x 11 in, 9 in x 12 in

Mediums: Gouache paint

Project Description: Using seven values of one hue we create, we had to create a monochromatic self portrait with gouache paint.

Continue reading “Major Project 1: Self-Portrait with Color Compositions”

Mini Project 1: Key Compositions

Project Information

Name of Project: Mini Project 1: Key Compositions

Class: 3D Design/Color

Due Date: 1/29/2018

Date Posted: 1/28/2018

Dimensions: 9 in x 12 in

Mediums: Gouache paint, Micron Ink Pen

Project Description: We had to repeat a design four times in 4.5 in squares. After we had finished a design, we needed to paint each square with high keys, mid keys, low keys, and all keys to add depth and color to the composition.

Continue reading “Mini Project 1: Key Compositions”

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